
World Suicide Prevention Day 2020
September 10 marks World Suicide Prevention Day 2020, part of #SuicidePreventionWeek.
While talking about suicide can still appear to be a taboo subject, thinking about suicide is very common.
It is estimated that up to 1 person in 20 is thinking about suicide at any one time. Scottish Association for Mental Health estimate this means that in Scotland, that means 262,740 people may be thinking about it. This is enough people to fill Hampden Park 5 times.
Sadly, we know that suicide is a particular issue in the construction sector. It is estimated that male workers in construction are up to 4 times more likely to take their lives than other men. Indeed, construction workers are more likely to die from suicide than a fall from height.
The latest figures from the Samaritans show that deaths by suicide rose by 10% in 2018. Recent research for the Construction News Mind Matters campaign, highlights the scale of the challenge in our sector.
So if you have suicidal thoughts, you are not alone. You are one of many.
That means you are not alone, there are thousands of other people like you. People like you who are struggling day in day out, others who have good weeks and bad weeks.
Breaking the silence and stigma surrounding mental health is absolutely central to suicide prevention and to health, safety and wellbeing, in and out of the workplace.
Grahame Barn, CECA Scotland Chief Executive said:
“Everyday conversations play a key role in suicide prevention, by increasing awareness and understanding, reminding people they are not alone and helping to break the stigma, which stops so many seeking help. which can be a barrier for those seeking help. Please take time to talk and support friends, colleagues and family facing these difficult challenges”
If you, a friend, a colleague or a family member need help with mental health, please check out these resources:
Scottish Association for Mental Health: Are You Worried About Someone
Supply Chain Sustainability School Toolkit
See Me Scotland Workplace Resources
Samaritans: If You’re Having a Difficult Time
Call Samaritans: 116 123
Mates in Mind Downloadable Poster for Workplaces
If you have any additional helpful resources for sharing with CECA Scotland members, please send to us and we’ll post on the website. Email to