
Scottish Construction Sector Restart

Scottish Construction Sector Restart

The First Minister announced on 28th May, the easing of Scotland’s lockdown measures, as Scotland moves onto Phase 1 of it’s COVID-19 Route Map.

As part of the first phase, the construction sector has now been given the green light to restart work from  Friday 29th May. This means the sector can implement the first two phases (Phases 0 and 1 below) of it’s recovery plan, with a decision to move to Phase 2 to go ahead after consulting with the government to ensure it is safe.

The industry-agreed six-step phased model for the return of the construction sector is:

  • Phase 0: Planning
  • Phase 1: COVID-19 Pre-start Site prep
  • Phase 2: ‘Soft start’ to site works (only where physical distancing can be maintained)
  • Phase 3: Steady state operation (only where physical distancing can be maintained)
  • Phase 4: Steady state operation (where physical distancing can be maintained and/or with PPE use)
  • Phase 5: Increasing density/productivity with experience

COVID-19 Construction Sector Guidance 

The updated Scottish Government Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance for the construction sector can be viewed here.

Construction Scotland Safe Operating Procedures

CECA Scotland has been working with industry bodies to provide guidance on how to return to work safely and this has now has been published by Construction Scotland.

This guidance is intended to ensure the adoption of appropriate social distancing measures on sites of all sizes.

You can download the new Construction Scotland safe operating procedures, Working on site during the COVID-19 pandemic: Construction Guidance and Construction Re-start Plan and model below.

Construction Scotland Safe Operating Procedures

Construction Scotland Restart Plan

Construction Scotland Restart Model

In addition, the Scottish Civils Training Group have produced a  COVID-19 Site Briefing

Please get in touch with Chief Executive, Grahame Barn if you have any questions or require further guidance.