
New CECA chair to lead Scotland’s infrastructure recovery
In a meeting at the Caledonian Stadium in Inverness today, Mark Bramley of Pat Munro, a civil engineering firm based in Alness, took over as Chair of the Civil Engineering Contractors Association Scotland (CECA Scotland).
CECA is the representative body for companies who work day-to-day to deliver, upgrade, and maintain Scotland’s critical infrastructure. They stand up for the interests of over 110 firms in Scotland who together carry out an estimated 80 per cent of all civil engineering activity in Scotland.
CECA maintains close relationships with public sector clients and government to ensure that their members’ expertise is shared as widely as possible.
Mark Bramley has a wealth of experience within CECA having been a member of the board since 2015 and serving as Vice-Chair for the past two years. He takes over the reins from David Ross, Managing Director of George Leslie Ltd, who is stepping down as chair at the end of his two-year term.
David Ross, the outgoing chair of CECA Scotland, said:
“I would like to thank everyone on the board for their support and encouragement during my time as chair of CECA Scotland. I believe that we are highly regarded in the industry and we have sought to use our voice and influence to benefit the civil engineering sector as a whole.
“It has been an honour to represent CECA Scotland and even though I have not been able to attend as many face to face meetings as I would have liked, I am pleased to have been able to forge some strong relationships with colleagues from across the UK.”
Mark Bramley said:
“I would like to thank David Ross for steering CECA Scotland over the past two years through one of the most challenging periods our industry has ever faced. He has played a key role in pulling the whole civil engineering community in Scotland together during unprecedented circumstances to champion our shared interests.
“After a tough eighteen months for everyone, I look forward to working with contractors and clients to ensure we emerge from the pandemic with the industry in a stronger position than ever and ready to meet the challenges of the future, particularly the transition to Net Zero.
“I strongly believe that investment in infrastructure is the surest way of putting Scotland on track to a jobs-led recovery to meet our social, environmental and economic priorities.”