
Mental Health Awareness Week 2020

Mental Health Awareness Week 2020

Mental Health Awareness Week takes place from 18-24 May 2020; the theme for this year is ‘kindness’.

Right now, we’re living through a time where people more than ever are struggling with their mental health. It’s more important than ever that we reach out to our family, friends and work colleagues and help support their mental health and wellbeing.

Grahame Barn, CECA Scotland Chief Executive said:

“Construction is a challenging industry to work in and the statistics tell a grim story. Every single working day in the UK two construction workers take their own life. Stress, depression or anxiety accounts for a fifth of all work related illness.

The current Coronavirus pandemic has resulted in a change to the working patterns for many. Some employees who are unable to work from home have been furloughed, others are self-isolating and many are working remotely for the first time.

Even though some have continued to work throughout the lockdown and others are now being encouraged to return to work, there will be many who will continue to work from home or at a distance from their team.

There’s absolutely no doubt that tackling mental health is a bigger challenge than ever but it is one we must meet as an industry and as a nation”.

CECA Scotland is actively involved on a number of fronts in support of mental health initiatives and is using this week to help signpost members and their families to information and advice should they think they need it.

Useful links

Mental Health Foundation resources  

See Me Scotland COVID-19 resources  and events

NHS Healthy Working Lives  resources

Scottish Association for Mental Health resources

CECA National guidance Mental Health Week 

Managing Remote Teams, Furloughed or Self Isolated Employees 

Mates in Mind website