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NEC4 Pricing NEC Contracts / Managing Risks with Glenn Hide

November 14, 2023 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Why you should attend this workshop?

This one-day workshop is a closer review of the tendering stage of a project, and how then risk is managed
throughout the life of a project. It will review the documents that the Client puts into a Contractor’s tender,
as well as the considerations that the Contractor should consider when they are preparing their tender
return. It is very important that a Contractor understands the risks and obligations that they are signing up
to with any new contract and be able to price accordingly. This session will look at Contractor
considerations or allowances they should be making when they are pricing an NEC contract. It will consider
any elements that are new or different compared to NEC3 contracts that people will have used previously.

The session will consider definition of risk and risk management before looking at the traditional risk
registers that often get produced and reviewed generally across construction projects. This will be
compared with the Early Warning Register, which is a key aspect within the NEC suite of contracts as to its
use and understanding in identifying and managing the risks associated with a project. The session will
consider the different ways that risk can be altered throughout the contract and the considerations that
the Parties should make when allocating risk or pricing risk accordingly.

Through an interactive presentation and delegate case studies, attendees of this workshop will have a
much clearer practical understanding of the tender processes and what considerations the Client should
make in putting together a tender, and what considerations the Contractor should make when pricing a
tender, as well as understanding and managing risk allocation throughout the life of a project

You will learn about:
• the main ECC contract documents that make up a signed contract
• choice of primary and secondary options and associated pricing document and how they alter
Contractor’s risk
• ways of allocating risk through the different contract documents
• elements of Contract Data part 1 completed by Client
• considerations for completing Contract Data part 2 by the Contractor
• importance of Scope and Site Information
• compensation events and how they proportion whose risk is what under the contract
• Client’s risk within section 8 of the contract and within Contract Data
• Defined Costs and Disallowed Costs under the contract
• the specific requirements of the early warning process and resultant NEC Risk Register/Early Warning
Register, and how it differs from the more traditional project risk registers that are used within the
• how risk can be dealt with differently for individual compensation events

Recommended for Intermediate

This workshop is recommended for anyone who is involved in preparing or reviewing contract documents at
tender stage, as well as anyone involved in administering an ECC contract on a live project to understand
what part the documents play in the administration of a project. This will include project managers, contract
managers, quantity surveyors, clients, consultants, planners, Contractors, and their supply chain

Workshops are open 6 weeks prior to the date for all CECA Scotland members. If you are interested in attending please contact Joanne@cecascotland.co.uk