Return to Work Safely Animation
The Construction Industry Coronavirus (CICV) Forum, of which CECA Scotland is a key member, has today released a new animation to give workers clear and simple guidance about returning to work safely
The short film outlines the key health and safety steps that all workers in the construction sector staff can take to protect themselves, their colleagues and the wider community as they return to work.
In line with Scottish Government and Construction Scotland advice, the animation advises that employees should:
- Travel to work alone, if possible.
- Observe physical distancing at all times.
- Wear a proper face covering if required.
- Wash their hands properly and often.
- Regularly clean frequently touched tools, objects and surfaces.
The film also emphasises how everyone can play their part by:
- Bringing their own prepared food and drink.
- Staying on site or using their vehicle during breaks.
- Always coughing into their sleeve or elbow if they don’t have a tissue.
- Staying at home and following Government guidance if they have Covid-19 symptoms.
- Reading their company’s Covid-19 policy and risk assessment.
The new film follows the launch last week of the CICV Forum’s return to work pack
Credit for the animation goes to creative agency Connect Communications whose Managing Director Alan Ramsay said: “For the second time during this pandemic we have successfully created a clear and straightforward message that can be quickly and easily understood and adopted by the construction sector’s diverse and varied workforce.”