A New Civils Framework for Scotland
CECA Scotland members will be aware that, alongside Construction Scotland, we have been working very closely with the Scottish Government Procurement Directorate over the last 9 months on the development of a Scottish Civils Framework that is to be offered to the Scottish Public Sector later this year for their use.
The Scottish Procurement and Property Directorate (SPPD) has now identified several areas where it is seeking the views of contractors
These are considered important with regard to developing an overarching Construction Portfolio Strategy, and initially procuring a Civil Engineering Works Framework Arrangement.
They would welcome responses and any additional feedback from contractors via the following SurveyMonkey:
All responses will be considered to help inform the Scottish Government’s Portfolio strategy for Construction activity and the subsequent Civil Engineering Framework. All subsequent Framework and/or Contract Agreements will be tendered in compliance with EU procurement legislation and will adhere to the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015.
For this exercise to succeed we need only one response per organisation. To ensure we are successful and where there are multi-recipients of this questionnaire within an organisation, we kindly ask that you liaise with colleagues to ensure that your organisation sends only one response.
This SurveyMonkey will close at close of business on Thursday 30th January 2020.
This is a genuine opportunity for the civil engineering community in Scotland to help shape the procurement landscape in which we operate for the foreseeable future and we would strongly encourage your participation.